Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Runew 2012 Updates: Finisher's Shirt, Medal and Bus Ride from BHS to Alabang

Friends, check out the updates on this race. 

1) 21k Finishers will receive medal and Finisher's shirt.

2) 10k Finishers will receive finisher's shirt.

 Runew Finisher's Shirt

3) Registered runners can avail of a free bus ride.

Runners can register at Riovana BHS or by sending PM at Runrio Facebook account starting Thursday, February 2.
Present complete name and  bib/ bib number to qualify.

Limited slots only

Pick up point on race day will be at Riovana BHS

Assembly time is 3:00. The bus will leave at exactly 3:30am.

Bus leaves Alabang by 8:30 am.

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