Friday, December 10, 2010

Random Thoughts: Why I don't blog as much as I did then?

I have random thoughts but I'd rather post them on PEX....

I have interesting random thoughts but I'd rather post them on twitter.

I have big ideas but I rarely post them here... I eventually forget na din...


melovesflying said...

Hi. I am a graduating student from UP Manila and I saw your post over at PEx on the blogs thread. I was wondering if you could answer a survey I made regarding Filipino bloggers. This is for my thesis and answering will only take you a couple of minutes.

Confidentiality will be of utmost priority. Answering my survey will be very much appreciated. Thanks! :)

Thirdy Lopez said...

I'm sharing your comment so maybe some other bloggers could see it too... :)

melovesflying said...

Thank you so much. :) Btw, in response to your comment in the gender part, I included the gays and lesbians in the choices becase gender talks about sexual orientation (choice). If I stated sex, then the choices will only be male and female since sex talks about one's biological orientation (natural). I also was curious as to whether there are differences in the topics between males, females and the third sex that's why I separated gays and lesbians from the males and females. :)

Again, thank you so much for the help! And I see you've been maintaining this blog since 2005. Can I ask what made you decide to keep blogging for such a long time? I'm a blogger myself but I tend to be less active now. :)

Thirdy Lopez said...

I'm just thinking that if you are asking for the gender dapat ang choices lang ay male and female. Another question yung sexual orientation...

Mas politically correct yun ganun....

I started blogging 'coz the reason I stated in my first entry...

Yes, blogs are less active now. The new blog is the FB Wall...

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