Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy songs

I first head of the happiest/richest people's secrets in the movie The Secret, which is also a best-selling book, and recently I attended a seminar by Philippine's best motivational coach, John Calub which tackled putting the Law of Attraction (the  Secret itself) to use for the fulfillment of your dreams.
So to employ the learnings from this fact, I am trying to think of songs that would generally be for my happiness...

1. Happy Face by Destiny's Child
It is about appreciate the world's beauty...
2. I Gotta a Feeling by Black Eyed Peas
It is about Tonight being a good night...


ArCeeTee said...

ive always wanted to see this film, is there an audio book online?

Thirdy Lopez said...

I haven't read the book actually so I wouldn't know to answer your question but I downloaded the movie though...


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