Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Do they know you're watching?

Dear friends,

In just a few days, leaders from all over the world will gather in Poznan, Poland to decide on next steps to tackling climate change. At last year’s meeting, governments pledged that by December 2009, they would nail down an agreement to achieve the global emission cuts required to keep climate change in check. We're half way to that deadline and it’s time for our leaders to get make good on their promise.

Join activists from around the world and let government leaders know that the World is Watching. We'll project your photos along with thousands of others during the meeting in Poznan. With your help, we can show real support for action on the climate crisis from citizens around the world.

TAKE ACTION: Join us in Poland, submit a photo of yourself today!

Already uploaded your photo? Check out what is going on around the world on December 6th, the Global Day of Climate Action and forward this email your friends.

For the climate,

Jess, Lisa, Eoin, Juliette and all of the climate team

P.S. Follow what is happening at the Climate Rescue Station in Poland.

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