Saturday, April 07, 2012

Running Essentials by Michelle Estuar (Skechers Fitness Philippines)

Last March 2012, I attended Running Essentials by Michelle Estuar. This seminar was presented by Skechers Fitness Philippines in Market Market New Wing.

 PRC at Running Essentials Batch 2

In this event, Michelle discussed running basics and things to look out for in order to have a safe and fun running career. She details that runners should go by a few rules and take note of body signals and running equipment compatibility.

Listening to Michelle's know how

Watch out for more running essentials seminars as they held 2 batches in Manila, last, and one batch in Cebu, just this March 24.

Here's a sneak peek of insights from Michelle:

Running should be SAFE.

 With Running Friends from Skechers

S - Solid Start

Don't overtrain or do too much too soon. Train gradually and let your body grow into a certain speed or distance.

A - Adaptation
Use the right running equipment suitable for your specific needs. Also, do the right variety of training.

F - Free from injury
Do the right precautions before and after your runs (like warm up and cool down). Learn to listen to your body.

E - Effective
Learn the proper form for running and gradually grow into doing it naturally.

Perks to attending

The event is completely free. They even provided games to keep everyone awake and a loot bag containing a shirt and other Skechers freebies.

 With Michelle Estuar

Watch out for more announcements of events like this in Skechers Fitness Philippines FB Page.

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