Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene

I was unfortunate enough to have my last weekend in my US Trip to experience one of the worst hurricanes to reach East Coast US in years.

Meet Hurricane Irene

She is a hurricane who passed over the East Coast US this weekend.

Weekend? Of all the days... WEEKEND!

Anyway, I was supposed to tour Philadelphia on this Saturday or Washington, DC or New York again but...
Hurricane Irene came and all the plans got scratched. I was able to see Philadelphia at night but the pictures weren't that good so we went back on Saturday Morning but when we finished touring the Franklin Institute. Rain was already pouring and I wasn't able to get pictures at the LOVE park in the morning.

All is good though as we were safe and I got stuff at the bed and bath works store. Even if the store closed when we were still choosing things to buy. The People who worked there weren't rude at us, though.

And when the winds were pretty strong... We were safe inside the house and we hadn't had any power outages.

The next day, Sunday. It was still raining and some roads are flooded so plans for DC didn't follow through. But we were able to see a movie and do a little shopping.

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