Thursday, October 09, 2014

Personal: Things I should be looking for in my next job.

As of now, I decided that I shall go through with the project I just transferred to. I could go on and on about the things that are not comfortable about this job and this responsibility but I am already here. I might as well, get it over with.

Time goes by fast anyway and the challenges will be interesting so better just enjoy the journey.

But after this one, I am almost sure to move on to another job. This new job should be or should have:

1. A salary higher than my current salary or salary greater than my last job. It should only make sense that I get more.

2. A work schedule from 9 to 6 or midshift. Night shift is a big no-no and It was the major decision maker to leaving my 6 year stint at my previous company. If the office says that night shift might happen. I will have to say no.

3. The office should be in Makati City so the job ad should more or less say "Willing to work in Makati". Working outside of Makati is a mistake. I have to travel long hours that I could have been using to do other stuff or take care of other things. Working in Makati has allowed me to go to the gym. My home is of close proximity to Makati so heading home is at most an hour away.

For the work, I really don't care. It doesn't matter if I maintain the title or degrade to being a programmer as long as these 3 conditions are met.

In the meantime, please wish me luck.

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